Chiropractic care for kids!

Have you considered chiropractic for your kids in North Port? At Chiropractic and Massage of North Port, we firmly believe in protecting a child’s body by making sure they have the best possible functioning nervous system. It is well known that children bounce back quickly, but that is related to how they feel; physically and structurally that is not always the case. Unfortunately, children do not always verbalize exactly what they feel when they are sore, uncomfortable, or in pain, but just like with adults, if the underlying cause is left alone for too long it will grow into a bigger problem. Chiropractic care for children can be very beneficial. In our office, Chiropractic and Massage of North Port, Dr. Christine Wallen and
Dr. Nicole Tompkins, make a point to make sure that all the falls, stress, trauma, and physical demands that your children endure do not stop them from being kids. We love treating children of all ages. As a parent you want to protect your child from pain and sickness as much as you can. We get that! Give us a call, and let us help you!

Chiropractic & Massage of North Port

14942 Tamiami Trail, Ste L

North Port, Florida, 34287


[email protected]

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Our Location

Office Hours


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-3:00 pm


Massage & Acupuncture Only

